David A. Ellison
“Unlike my first book, which dealt with possible solutions for a variety of current financial and social issues facing our nation, this one is more historical in nature because when we take the time to understand the past, we are then in a better position to improve the present and the future.”
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After reading this book, I hope readers will have a better understanding of our Founders’ beliefs:
- how the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution are inseparable and still relevant today
- the negative impact racism has had on society
- how deviating from our Founders’ wishes has hurt our country
- how some of our country’s past mistakes are still negatively impacting our nation today.
At the end, I hope you will be as interested as I am in creating and implementing a plan to help those who have been most impacted by our country’s past mistakes, and giving them a chance at living a life with dignity.
With malice toward none, Repairing Our Divided Nation offers:
- History lessons that should be required reading for all Americans.
- A demand that Congress stop abdicating its responsibilities.
- A plan for running our elections so the best people are sent to Washington to serve We the People.
- A proposal for improving our schools' curricula and administration.
- A call for guaranteeing that all Americans, no matter their color, wealth, or zip code, have a real chance at becoming economically self-reliant and living a life with dignity.
This book concludes with four of the most important documents in America’s history

Declaration of Independence

Constitution of the U.S.A.

Amendments to the Constitution